Bakri MP gets DAP show cause letter

Clara Chooi, TMI

The DAP has issued a show cause letter on Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa for violating a party directive to boycott this morning’s parliamentary briefing.

DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke told The Malaysian Insider that Er, a second-term federal lawmaker, would have seven days to respond to the letter before he is referred to the party’s disciplinary committee.

“He has to explain. We are giving him a chance to explain,” he said when contacted here.

Er was the only MP of the DAP’s 38 federal lawmakers and Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) collective 89 representatives who turned up for the briefing at the Parliament House this morning.

The PR leadership council had decide to boycott the sitting in its last meeting to signify its protest against the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government for its alleged refusal to adhere to demands for electoral reform.

When approached by reporters this morning, Er said he felt the briefing was important and the decision to attend it was his own.

“Briefing day is important, we want to see if there are new rules and so on,” said Er, an MP well-known among Parliament circles for his halting Bahasa Malaysia and persistence in the Dewan Rakyat.

Asked if Er may have not been informed of the boycott directive, Loke said this was not likely as all representatives were given ample notice.

“We have an internal email group so all MPs were informed something like 10 days ago,” the Seremban MP said.

“It is the basic responsibility of all our representatives to check their emails. And furthermore, the whole thing was reported in the press.

“There is no reason for him not to know our position on the matter,” he added.

When confirming the boycott last week, Loke had told The Malaysian Insider that the move comes on the back of the string of rallies held nationwide to protest against BN’s alleged use of fraud to win the just-concluded Election 2013.

He pointed out that the pact was also planning another mammoth protest in Padang Merbok and attending the briefing would appear to contradict the purpose of the rally.


