Nothing to link Najib to Altantuya’s murder, says DPP

“A person is charged in court based on real evidence and not based on imaginary evidence. And, there is nothing to link the then DPM to what the appellants or Razak did,” he added.

Sean Augustin,

Datuk Seri Najib Razak should not be linked to Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder merely because his aide-de-camp knew the accused, the Court of Appeal was told today.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah (picture) said political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda had stated how he met DSP Musa Safri.
However, just because Abdul Razak also knew Najib, he said, one could not make an accusation or attribute anything “whatsoever to the then Deputy Prime Minister (DPM)”.
“A person is charged in court based on real evidence and not based on imaginary evidence. And, there is nothing to link the then DPM to what the appellants or Razak did,” he added.
The appeal was heard by Justices Datuk Seri Mohamed Apandi Ali, Datuk Linton Albert and Datuk Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat.
Tun Abdul Majid said this in reply to a submission by Sirul Azhar Umar who argued that the prosecution’s failure to summon Musa to verify an affidavit by Abdul Razak were grounds for a mistrial.
The former police Special Action Unit personnel, along with former chief inspector Azilah Hadri, were found guilty and sentenced to death in 2009 for killing Altantuya, then 28, at Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam between 10pm on Oct 19, 2006 and 1am on Oct 20, 2006.
Sirul’s counsel Kamarul Hisham Kamarudin yesterday described Musa as an “important witness” as he was the only person who could verify Abdul Razak’s affidavit.
Abdul Razak in his 2008 affidavit detailed how he met Altantuya in 2004, where they had an affair which lasted a year.
The Mongolian then allegedly harassed Abdul Razak, forcing the latter to seek help from the police.
Tun Abdul Majid also pointed out that Musa was not present when Sirul met with Abdul Razak and therefore, Musa would not know what had transpired.
“Hence, there is no relevance to call him,” he said.
Kamarul Hisham however in his reply said the defense had never implicated Najib in the case but had only stressed that there was a one-way communication between Abdul Razak and Musa.
