Be careful, your bullshit is showing

So, you go to Chinese schools because they are far better and more superior compared to national schools. But then you are ignorant of history. And it is Umno’s fault that you are ignorant of history. Are these Chinese schools set up and run by Umno with Malay teachers who do not speak a word of Mandarin? If not then why must Umno be blamed if you go to the ‘far better’ and ‘more superior’ Chinese schools and yet you are still ignorant of history?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

One reader posted a comment saying that I am putting the cart before the horse. We need to change the government first before we can even talk about changing anything else, said this reader. Another reader posted a comment asking me how much I am being paid to tell people to not vote for Pakatan Rakyat. This reader interpreted what I said (no use changing the government unless we too change) as me telling people to vote for Barisan Nasional.

A few days ago, Royal History Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim said that Malaysians are ignorant of history. Everyone jumped on him and called him all sorts of names and said that Umno and the government should be blamed for this.

This is what I mean when I say it is no use changing the government unless we too change. I did not say do not vote Pakatan Rakyat. I did not ask you to vote Umno. I am saying don’t talk about change, any change, unless you too are prepared to change.

Is anyone stopping you from reading? Have history books been banned in Malaysia? Did I not write enough about the REAL history of Umno, the REAL story of Malaysia’s independence (Merdeka) and events leading to Merdeka, the UNTOLD story regarding the Malay nationalist movement BEFORE Umno and BEFORE Merdeka, and whatnot?

Most of you respond by saying: why talk about the past? The past is not important. Why so cheong hei? I got no time to read long articles. (Long? Four or five pages is not ‘long’. I read books that are 1,000 pages thick).  Who cares about your bullshit? What you say is not relevant. You have no credibility …yada…yada…yada…

So you see, even when we attempt to ‘educate’ you, you reject what we say. You refuse to read. You say this, that and the other. Then you blame the government for your ignorance and blame Umno for not teaching you REAL history. “This is all the fault of Umno!” you scream.

Okay, let’s look at this from another perspective. You say that Chinese schools must not be closed down. Why? Because Chinese schools are far better and more superior compared to national schools. National schools are low standard. Chinese schools are of a higher standard. You learn more in Chinese schools than you can in national schools. Even Malays, you argue, go to Chinese schools. This proves that Chinese schools are superior.

So, you go to Chinese schools because they are far better and more superior compared to national schools. But then you are ignorant of history. And it is Umno’s fault that you are ignorant of history. Are these Chinese schools set up and run by Umno with Malay teachers who do not speak a word of Mandarin? If not then why must Umno be blamed if you go to the ‘far better’ and ‘more superior’ Chinese schools and yet you are still ignorant of history?

Or are you saying that history is not taught in Chinese schools? Or do Chinese schools forbid you from reading other books other than just the school textbooks? And if you read other books other than just the school textbooks would the school sack you? Do the teachers of these Chinese schools raid your homes to search for books that you read and will punish you if non-school textbooks are found in your house?

So, please explain why, if you are ignorant of history, that this is Umno’s and/or the government’s fault. I just cannot comprehend the logic.

Okay, you go to school — Chinese schools — and the school has a certain curriculum. There are certain ‘standard’ books that you have to read. Do your parents not encourage you to read? Do you not go to the bookshop or Amazon to see what other books on that same subject you can buy/read?

Do you have Kindle? You can download FREE e-books on Kindle. You need not pay anything. I have more than 1,000 free e-books on my Kindle. I also have about 100 that I pay for. Do your parents not allow you to do this? Is this Umno’s fault, your parent’s fault, or your own fault?

Oh, Kindle costs money, you say, even if the e-books are free. Do your liquor, beer, cigarettes, dating, clubbing, trips to the massage parlour and brothels, etc., not also cost money? You spend 100 times more on your pleasure, leisure and entertainment than it would have cost you to buy Kindle. You drive expensive cars. You go overseas for your annual holidays. You spend more than the cost of Kindle or books for just one outing on Valentine’s Day. Yet you have no money for books and/or Kindle.

So, how do we solve this problem? I say we solve it by changing our attitudes. You say we solve it by changing the government. You mean once we change the government you are suddenly all going to transform into bookworms? You mean once Pakatan Rakyat takes over you are going to become enlightened and learned and will no longer be ignorant of history?

How can you become enlightened and learned and will no longer be ignorant of history once Pakatan Rakyat takes over unless you are going to change your attitude and adopt a culture of reading and research? And why should you change your attitude and adopt a culture of reading and research just because we have a new Prime Minister? What has the Prime Minister got to do with this?

Only an ignorant person will blame his/her ignorance on someone else. But then this is what you always do anyway — you blame others for your shortcomings. It makes you feel superior when in fact you are inferior.

