Egypt’s Mursi removed from power

Egyptians celebrate at a tea house in Cairo. Photo: AP

(Sydney Morning Herald) – Egypt’s military has ousted the nation’s Islamist president, Mohamed Mursi, replacing him with a chief justice, calling for an early presidential election and suspending the Islamist-backed constitution.

Let’s call what’s happening by its real name: Military coup 

The decision was greeted with jubilation in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where thousands of opponents to Dr Mursi had been calling for his toppling for days.

Elsewhere, clashes between security forces and supporters of Dr Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood party had left at least 14 people dead and dozens wounded.

Dr Mursi is being held by the authorities, a Muslim Brotherhood spokesman and a security official said.

Ahmed Aref, the Brotherhood spokesman, said both Dr Mursi and Essam El-Haddad, a senior aide, were being held but he did not know where. 

Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi addresses the nation on Egyptian State Television. Photo: AP

A security official said they were being held at a military intelligence facility.


At least two senior leaders close to Dr Mursi have also been arrested – Freedom and Justice Party Saad al-Katatni and the deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Bayoumi. 


The army issued orders for the arrest of another 300 Islamists.

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