Educating Vivian Lee and and Alvin Tan Jye Yee 

The writer believes that they are many other means to be ‘cool’. The tool deployed by Alvin and Vivian to look ‘cool’ reflects their sheer stupidity. Using the same strategy by Kim Kardashian for cheap publicity makes them look like the biggest joke in town.  

Visnu Natesan  

The recent fiasco by Vivian Lee and Alvin Tan with sex-blogging, so called sex education videos on Alvin’s Facebook page and video of eating ‘bah ku teh’ insulting the holy Ramadhan month has caused controversy and the subject heavily debated on social media. The writer notes that the action of Vivian and Alvin is a great insult to Asian culture and history. 

Sex blogging

The choice for publishing sexual activities is an individual’s choice. The issues surrounding the publishing of the videos reflects the intellect displayed by Alvin and Vivian which clearly demonstrates their ignorance and narrow mindedness. 

The Asian society has explored in depth on sex and published classic literature educating the Asian on the subject of sex. The Eastern culture is blessed with classic sex literature that has been available for a thousand years. In Taoist doctrine, the men and women are divided into yin and yang. The doctrine provides information on sex topics and provides guidance for male and female on sex. In Kama Sutra, the text provides information on sexual behaviour, sex techniques etc. 

The Asian does not need your sex insights, views, opinions, photos and your two cents’ worth knowledge on sex. The Western community might look at you as a liberated couple but in reality the Westerners learned from Asians about sex. All the classic literature on sex has been translated into the Western world and the origin of sex knowledge is from the Eastern world. 

Facebook post  ’Nudity is to be practiced at all time’ and ‘No uptight Christians allowed’

Relating to your FB comments, there is no such thing as uptight Christians only imbecile beings known as Vivian Lee and Alvin Tee with limited understanding on the topic of nudity and religion. Based on history, the early Christians viewed nudity as an acceptable practice in the context of working outdoors. For example Gospel of John 21:7 describes Simon Peter is naked while fishing from a boat, but then gets dressed in order to meet Christ.

Your comments certainly reflect your lack of understanding on nudity and naturists. Most religions have explored the topic of nudity and various literature has been written in understanding the practice. The sadhus in India practices nudity in the context of religion for extreme ascetism. The early Gymnosophists (naked philosophers)  from India intrigues Alexander the Great and the term gymnosophist was given by the Greek. The nudist culture in Western world was influenced by the gymnosophist and were appreciated in the context of purity and virtue. 

And among the Indians there is the class of the gymnosophists, who, in addition to natural philosophy, take great pains in the study of moral science likewise, and thus make their whole existence a sort of lesson in virtue. —Philo Judaeus, Every Good Man is Free, 74
Your attempt to liberate the Asian community on nudity is a way of life traveled from India to Europe. Save your borrowed ideology on Western culture and save your energy on liberating the Asian community. We do not need your two cents’ worth of knowledge on nudity. Spare your effort by educating yourselves on the concept of nudity from the religious perspective before condemning Asians as narrow minded.
‘Bah Kuh Teh’ video
There are better ways to get attention from the public. Andy Warhol quoted ‘ ”In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” You had your fifteen minutes of fame, you should not mock any religions. Save your erotic adventures, stories, practices etc. for the Western media. The Asian community, blessed with intellect and morals, will treat you as a laughing stock. The Asian community has tolerated your imbecilic behavior but do not mock the matured society and their faith. 
The ‘bah kuh teh’ video is a reflection of your stupidity and immaturity. At times, the writer wonders the thought processes of Alvin and Vivian. There are many means to become famous but the ‘bah kuh teh’ video would go down in history as the dumbest idea ever. It is a dark day for Malaysians because the education system has certainly failed in the context of Alvin and Vivian. 
With their fifteen minutes of fame, the Malaysian authorities should investigate and charge Alvin and Vivian in court for their derogatory remarks. In a multiracial and multi-religious society, the behavior of Alvin and Vivian should not be tolerated. 
What next?

The behavior of Alvin and Vivian is a reflection of our education system. The duo are brilliant students but lack critical thinking skills. Their behavior is influenced by Western culture and despite the availability of knowledge on taboo subjects such as nudity, religion,sex, etc., the duo failed to grasp the Eastern teachings and apply it in their life. 

The Malaysian people should not forgive Alvin and Vivian for their behavior. We should educate them to be better human beings. On that note, the duo should be sent to do voluntary services in churches, mosques, AIDS center, charity homes helping sex workers, orphan homes and old folk homes. The duo should be enrolled in religious classes to educate them on religions. The punishment should humble their arrogance and be set as an example for other Malaysian. 

Last but not least, the writer believes that they are many other means to be ‘cool’. The tool deployed by Alvin and Vivian to look ‘cool’ reflects their sheer stupidity. Using the same strategy by Kim Kardashian for cheap publicity makes them look like the biggest joke in town. 

A person is stupid if they cause damage to another person or group of people without experiencing personal gain, or even worse causing damage to themselves in the process. ― Carlo M. Cipolla (economic historian)

The above quote reflects the stupidity of Alvin and Vivian. Enough said. 


Visnu Natesan 
