Religion is just like a brand name
All these religions show one’s attachment to mankind but with different practices. The path to God may differ according to the natures of individuals, and only superficial according to their different religious beliefs.
Navin Karan
The fact is all great masters (gurus, prophets, saints, rasul) attain the same vision of truth; one and eternal, which we call God. This direct vision of timeless truth forms the basis of religion. The true purpose of scriptures, meditations, mantras, prayers are to show man how to find eternal freedom in God. Great masters in every religion, having perceived God (the Supreme Being) directly emphasized again and again in every language that the Supreme Spirit is the essence of everything.
Religion is formed from the master’s preaching, correct? Then everyone must begin his search for enlightenment from his own point of understanding; an understanding determined by his human characteristics. Briefly, they are devotional, right actions, meditation and full with wisdom.
In religion, there are various “moods”; for some it is deeply meaningful whereas it may mean less to others. Buddhism is simple and filled with pure kindness; Hindu chants instill joy with powerful but intense personal devotion; Christianity is dedication to living in harmony with God’s law; Islam believes in heroic total surrender to the will of God. All these religions show one’s attachment to mankind but with different practices. The path to God may differ according to the natures of individuals, and only superficial according to their different religious beliefs.
When a good Hindu religious man forbids good thoughts in the Muslim religion or a perfect Muslimin cannot accept the good thoughts in the Bible or when a Christian blocks the Al-Quran from his mind, then the understanding they have from what they know is just for intellectual purposes. This means we are still into brands and during our approach to attaining the apex of our understanding into our particular religion, we are actually comparing and convincing others to buy that particular brand since we believe only that brand is the best.
Thus all religious teaching, spirituality, meditation, gurus, prophets, saints, rasul is a vast embroidery comprising the story of a soul’s journey to reach his ultimate God. Not to their individual God, your God or my God but the One. The rivers flow its water to the ocean; religion’s utmost path is to the One.
Note: Out of the world population, 10% of humanity are able to see the One in every religion because they are living within the supreme energy whereas the remainder are believers in the brand of religion, unable to merge the scriptures of others which also refer to the supreme energy. I hope the ratio will increase so humans will do more good during their earthly tenure.