10 places Ibrahim Ali and gang can consider emigrating to
Finding a new home for regular people is difficult enough, when it comes to sworn racists with a panache for controversy the search becomes near impossible. I will try nevertheless.
The Malay Mail
Before that, which bigots and why do they have to relocate?
Right-wingers all year round dare many Malaysians to leave the country if them bleeding heart liberals cannot stomach their brand of patriotism. They’d say things like “You balik China/India” (Go back to China/India) or “Kalau nak jadi orang putih, pergi ke negara orang putihlah” (If you want to be like the whites, migrate to their countries).
Often those attacked would retort with “You first” or “My country bro, you can migrate-lah.”
It’s a bit playground-ish, I apologise to all bigots operating currently directly in the country and partial apologies to those working out of other time zones. You deserve better.
To raise the debate, today I am going to speak up for people like Ibrahim Ali (the poster child of Malay rights groups) and Ridhuan Tee Abdullah (a man who positions himself as the special one, revealing allegedly unflattering truths about the Chinese and liberals in Malaysia).
Is it fair to ask the ignorant to leave the country, when they know so little of the world they live in? It is plain to all they know very little of their own neighbours in Malaysia, after living here all their lives, therefore what fighting chance do they have if they left for strange shores and are forced to deal with another lot of infidels?
Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/opinion/praba-ganesan/article/10-places-ibrahim-ali-and-gang-can-consider-emigrating-to