Sex bloggers now fear for their safety

(The Star) – Sex blogger Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee – known commonly as Alvivi – may have to worry for their safety now that they have been released on bail.

The couple’s lawyer, Chong Joo Tian, said if any threats were made against them, they will “lodge a police report and seek police protection.

“But this is premature as bail has just been granted,” he told The Star Online.

The couple were bombarded with threats after they posted a controversial ‘Ramadan’ greeting which depicted them eating bak kut teh with the words ‘Selamat berbuka puasa’ on their Facebook fan page.

Facebook and Twitter users of all religions and racial backgrounds immediately castigated the pair on social media.

Many had threatened their wellbeing on Facebook which shared their personal details like addresses, IC numbers, and relatives’ details.

A picture of the couple with the caption ‘KILL – If you hurt or kill this scum in front of me I will make like I didn’t see’ was also circulated on Facebook.

The barrage led Alvivi to tweet from their now-deactivated Twitter account pleading for it to stop.

They said the threats were so discomfiting that they were unable to eat or sleep.

“Mercy please,” they tweeted.

