DAP: Probe Muhyiddin for sedition

DAP wants the Deputy Prime Minister probed for sedition for saying non-Muslims are insulting Islam.

Anisah Shukry, FMT

DAP wants Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin probed for sedition following his statement that non-Muslims were insulting Islam.

The Opposition party felt that since the police were quick to arrest dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof for allegedly wounding religious feelings, the same should be applied to Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president.

The party said the Deputy Prime Minister’s declaration that non-Muslims were insulting Islam, was offensive and had enough grounds for the police to investigate him under Section 298A of the Penal Code and the Sedition Act.

“Maznah is being investigated under the same Acts, so since she was said to be insulting the peoples religious feelings, we ask that Muhyiddin to be probed under the same Acts as well,” Taman Segamat DAP branch chairman Yew Jia Haur said.

Yew, who is also Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng’s assistant, said this after lodging a police report against the Deputy Prime Minister at the Sentul police headquarters today.

Muhyiddin, on Tuesday, made the “offensive” remarks after a reporter asked him to comment on Maznah’s controversial video, which depicted her celebrating Hari Raya with her three dogs.

Maznah’s three-year-old video had sparked an uproar among some Muslims, who had misinterpreted her Raya greeting as an attempt to equate Muslims with dogs.

Muhyiddin had told reporters: “Muslims do not insult the religion of non-Muslims… But non-Muslims are insulting our religion.”

He was apparently unaware that Maznah, who goes by the name of Chetz in the video, is a Muslim.


