When morons masquerade as God
We have travelled and lived around the world where Houses of God welcome everyone irrespective of creed for prayer and refuge.
Vidal Yudin Weil, FMT
Some of Malaysia’s Muslim clerics are poisoning the minds of their flock and segregating them from national integration with other races and faiths.
The operator of the resort who allowed non-Muslims to meditate in his surau was arrested and remanded for a crime which does not exist…!
When we read the whole report, we could not stop laughing because we are unable to understand the seriousness of the whole matter that it generated such uproar. Imagine the resort operator was arrested because Buddhists were praying in his surau.
We have travelled and lived around the world where Houses of God welcome everyone irrespective of creed for prayer and refuge.
It is saddening to see this country degenerate and gone to the scavengers in the pits; we could not find or identify any criminal intention or act on the part of the poor man that will warrant his arrest.
Have the Muslim clerics of this country gone nuts that they have become so sensitive and totally forgotten all the fundamental tenets of logic, reason, and decency that make them civilized human beings?
It is now crystal clear that these people are really sick with paranoia when they hook up trivial innocent matters and preposterously spinning it into ridiculous issues connecting to Islam, when in actual fact such are obviously not the cases.
These clerics are poisoning the minds of their flock and segregating them from national integration with other races and faiths.
It will be interesting for the relevant authorities to answer the following pertinent questions: