Sarawakians not ‘naïve, stupid or cowards’

Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian slams armchair critics who ridicule and malign Sarawakians over the recent general elections, adding that “change takes time”. 

Winston Way, FMT

KUCHING: A senior Sarawak Pakatan Rakyat leader has rebuked armchair critics within the cyber realm who continuously malign Sarawakians over the 2011 state and recent parliamentary elections.

Since the parliamentary polls, there have been countless attacks on Sarawakians and Sabahans through social media and online news portals.

Critics blamed voters in the two states for “reaping what they sow”, in relation to them voting in Barisan Nasional despite the coalition’s failed promises and pledges.

They also sarcastically ‘asked’ the Sarawak people to ‘thank’ the BN government for any ‘trouble’ or hardships the local population faced.

Sarawakians and Sabahans were in general described as ‘naïve’, stupid’, ‘easily bought’ and ‘cowards’ for voting for BN, though the two states had in fact recorded increased support for Pakatan in the recent general and state elections.

During GE13, 36.82 percent, or 304,508 out of 827,203 voted for Pakatan Rakyat candidates in Sarawak, from which the opposition coalition won six out of 31 parliamentary seats on offer in the state.

Excluding the six seats of Bandar Kuching, Stampin, Sarikei, Sibu, Lanang and Miri, Pakatan garnered 16.7 percent of the votes in the areas where BN candidates won.

At state level, Pakatan also had recorded increased support, gaining 21.13 percent of the support during the 2011 Sarawak state elections, swelling their representation in the state legislative council by eight seats along the way.

This is in contrast to a combined percentage of 11.1 percent in 2006, when DAP was actually not a part of the then-Barisan Bersatu Rakyat of PKR, SNAP and PAS.

Speaking to FMT recently state PKR chief Baru Bian said: “Negative comments made by various quarters are unfair. They are not looking at the actual facts.”


