A fight for pussies

What was it you said you want? Ah, yes, you want change. What change? Malaysia Today is in its tenth year and on 13th August 2014 we shall be celebrating our tenth anniversary. Yet after almost ten years you are all still a bunch of pussies that do not dare openly post comments. You are still frightened to reveal your identity.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Some have asked me as to why the comments in Malaysia Today have been quite low of late. The answer is actually very simple. It is because I have closed the comments section to all those who do not want to register to comment. If you want to comment then you need to first register. And if you refuse to register then don’t comment.

Simple! Right?

Some have said that if I refuse to allow those who refuse to register to post comments then I am losing a lot of comments.

Losing? What do you mean by ‘losing’? You only lose things you value or treasure. You cannot lose rubbish. In fact, if someone steals your rubbish you will be very pleased. It saves you the trouble of getting rid of it. So how can you use a phrase like ‘losing comments’? It pleases me to ‘lose’ these comments.

Do you think I value or treasure comments from people who comment without revealing who they are? Anonymous comments are not worth shit. You can shove these anonymous comments up where the sun does not shine for all I care. You may think that your anonymous comments are so great. Well, think again. Maybe you should raise your standards a wee bit. They are too low for my liking.

Oh, and do I sound very arrogant? I hope so because I am arrogant. And if you think I am not arrogant then you know zilch. Do you think I would do what I have been doing for the last 35 years without having an arrogant streak in my body? Of course I am arrogant. Arrogance is my middle name. Arrogance is what makes me what I am and makes me do what I do.

I am arrogant enough to write hundreds of articles every year for the last almost 20 years in my own name. My articles carry the name ‘Raja Petra Kamarudin’. If I were a pussy like you who post comments under false names then I would not put ‘Raja Petra Kamarudin’ to every article that I write. So my arrogance makes me write sensitive and controversial articles and I put my name to them.

Do you know what else my arrogance makes me do? My arrogance makes me swim against the current. While one side plays safe and supports Barisan Nasional and the other side also plays safe and supports Pakatan Rakyat, I oppose both and propagate the middle ground.

Would you dare do that? Of course you would not! You are pussies. So you will support either Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. You will never dare oppose both. That is for arrogant people like me to do. Pussies like you would never dare do something that will make you unpopular.

Are arrogant people like me worried about popularity? No. Only pussies like you worry about popularity. Arrogant people like me will tell you to take your popularity and shove it up where the sun does not shine.

The world needs arrogant people. We cannot have a world that is clearly divided between Jews and Christians or Catholics and non-Catholics or Muslims and Jews or Buddhists and Hindus or whatever. That would make the world a most boring place. We need a world where arrogant people like me can tell Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., that ALL religions are bullshit and you can take your religion and shove it up where the sun does not shine.

Would pussies like you dare do that? Of course not! Only arrogant people like me would dare do something like that. So we need arrogant people like me or else the religionists will bully us and persecute us just because we refuse to believe the bullshit that they believe.

So don’t knock arrogance. Arrogance does have its usefulness. Without arrogant people like me politicians and religionists will bully us and push us around. Only arrogant people like me will stand up to them and tell them to take their opinions and beliefs and shove it up where the sun does not shine.

Another pussy Blogger would worry about blocking comments lest the popularity of their Blog declines. I not only block your comments but I also tell you to stop coming to Malaysia Today if you are not happy with that.

Do you think I worry about whether you come to Malaysia Today? Do you think I worry about whether you read Malaysia Today? Let me put it this way. If you do not come to Malaysia Today it is not my loss. I lose nothing. It is your loss because then you will remain ignorant like the ignorant person you already are till the day you die. So stay away from Malaysia Today and stay stupid. I lose nothing by you remaining stupid.

I know what you are now going to say. You are going to say that I think I am so clever. Think I am clever? I don’t think I am clever. I know I am clever. I know I am clever because I know you are a bunch of pussies who do not even dare post comments in your own names.

What was it you said you want? Ah, yes, you want change. What change? Malaysia Today is in its tenth year and on 13th August 2014 we shall be celebrating our tenth anniversary. Yet after almost ten years you are all still a bunch of pussies that do not dare openly post comments. You are still frightened to reveal your identity.

So what change are you talking about? You do not dare change. You were pussies 15 years ago when we first launched the Reformasi Movement in 1998 and you are still pussies today. So what fucking change are you talking about? You must first change yourself before you talk about changing the country or changing the government.

