Dr M: Umno must be cleansed from fortune-hunters, allow the young to move up

Md Izwan, TMI

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic) has called on Umno to be cleansed in the run-up to the party polls next month, saying that many joined the party solely to become rich.

The country’s longest serving former prime minister for 22 years also urged that new and young leaders be given the opportunity to lead the party as this was a way to purify Umno.

“It is a perception that Umno leaders at all levels join the party not to protect the race, religion and nation but to enrich themselves.”

“Only by giving a chance to the new and young, who have yet to be polluted, the purification of the party will become a reality and accepted by the people,” Dr Mahathir said in an interview with Mingguan Malaysian today.

In the interview, the former Umno president also chided the younger generation whom he saw as worshipping the West and their liberal politics but at the same breath depended on the government for assistance.

“Among them are those, including the intellectuals, who feel that Umno’s struggle for the race, religion and the nation is irrelevant. They feel the struggle for the Malays were outdated and behind time.”

“Surprisingly, this group is successful because they benefit from government policies that were designed to help them,” he added.
Although the young group was seen pivotal for the survival of Umno, Dr Mahathir said the  party must be careful with the intellectuals who leaned towards liberal politics as it could deviate the main aim of the Malay based party.

“There is a possibility this group will not struggle for race, religion and the nation but for liberal politics if they join Umno,” he said.

“They should be given courses in Malay and Umno politics. However, their entry to the party is important if Umno is to cleanse itself from the negative image,” he added.

Dr Mahathir also repeated his stand that all posts, with the exception of president and deputy president, should be contested.

He said the top two posts should remain unchallenged to preserve harmony in the party.


