Four arrested in standoff over temple demolition 

(MMO) – There was no notice, it was a demolition by ambush… they just came in a day after Merdeka and began breaking it down. Negotiation was supposed to be still on-going… and there was no court order permitting it.

Four individuals, including a PKR leader, were arrested this morning following a standoff with Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) over an allegedly “illegal” demolition of the Golden Triangle Muneswarar Kuil on Jalan P. Ramlee here.

Temple lawyer N. Surendran also alleged that “three or four gangsters”, whom he claimed had come with the council’s demolition team, assaulted him when he tried to stop the temple’s destruction.

He confirmed that the four arrested were Hindraf-turned-PKR leader S. Jayathas, temple secretary Nalini, temple photographer Prem and a fourth unnamed individual.

“The standoff went on from about 8am to 10.30am when the contractors were brought in and they started work.

“These DBKL officers smashed three deities and took them out. We confronted them and asked for a negotiation but they continued to work until 10.30am until the cops came in and asked them to leave,” Surendran told The Malay Mail Online when contacted.

He added that the demolition had been a surprise one as negotiation was still on-going when the contractors came in with their heavy machinery.

“There was no notice, it was a demolition by ambush… they just came in a day after Merdeka and began breaking it down. Negotiation was supposed to be still on-going… and there was no court order permitting it.

“It is illegal — that is my position as the temple’s lawyer,” he said.

Surendran said in the over two-hour long confrontation this morning, several men he labelled as “gangsters” taunted those who were attempting to call off the demolition.

The Padang Serai MP said the “gangsters” roughly pushed him around.

“I will be lodging a report later against them,” he said.

Meanwhile, The Malay Mail Online understands the four arrested individuals have been brought to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters for questioning.

More to come at:
