Sybil Kathigasu and Chin Peng: Imperialism and Umnoputra

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No Dram of Mercy, written by a person of known integrity, powerfully laid out how the Japanese targeted the Malayan Chinese community and how this drove the Chinese into the jungles to collaborate with the Communists against the Japanese.


A week prior to the death of Chin Peng on 16 September 2013 in Bangkok, I finished reading No Dram of Mercy, a book by Malayan World War II civilian heroine Sybil Kathigasu.
I felt something important was missing from the book and the articles I read about the Kathigasus’. Chin Peng’s death helped me see more clearly.
Perhaps I can rest now.
In this (long) essay, I have selected some content from No Dram of Mercy, which was completed in or before 1949, but released only in 1954.
Most who have written about the Kathigasus’ emphasize the medical side of the story – their clinics in No. 141 Brewster Road, Ipoh and in No. 74 Main Street, Papan; their ‘chance’ evacuation to Papan; the causes and descriptions of Sybil’s injuries.
Since the clinics, evacuation and injuries are well covered by others, I have omitted discussion of them.
The content I have selected is mainly designed to serve my goal which is to suggest reasons why publication of No Dram of Mercy was delayed.
I propose that the same reasons account for Umno’s refusal to recognize Chin Peng, the well-recognized leader of the long defunct Communist Party of Malaya, and Umno’s belligerent prevention of the return of Chin Peng’s ashes to his homeland, Malaysia.
First, some similarities between Sybil Kathigasu and Chin Peng.
Similarities between Sybil and Chin Peng
Sybil is the only Malaysian woman ever to be awarded the George Medal, Britain’s highest civilian award for bravery. Chin Peng was the recipient of two British military medals for his role during World War II, and later the civilian OBE (Order of the British Empire) award.
Both Sybil and Chin Peng were heavily engaged in resisting the Japanese.
Both Sybil and Chin Peng were denied access to the public at key moments of their lives.

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