Former assemblyman seeks RM5m compensation from Johor DAP chairman

(NST) – A former Johor DAP state assemblyman from Johor is seeking compensation amounting to RM5 million from Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau for allegedly defaming him in 2009.

Gwee Tiong Hiang, who became an insurance agent after DAP had failed to field him in the 13th General Election, claimed that Dr Boo had, in a press conference on July 7, 2013, alleged that the former was involved in a suspicious transaction involving a building in Muar.

Dr Boo had also claimed that Gwee was involved in gangsterism. 

The allegations were carried in most of the mainstream media the following day.

Gwee’s counsel, Abd Rahim Ali, said his client had suffered tremendously as a result of the allegations.

He said Gwee is seeking compensation for general, exemplary and aggravated damages amounting to RM5 million from Dr Boo.

“My client is also seeking an injunction to prevent the defendant from making further statements detrimental to his reputation,” he said, adding that Gwee was also seeking a public apology from Dr Boo to retract his statement.

Abd Rahim was speaking after the first case management at the Civil Court here yesterday.

The defendant was represented by Norman Fernandez, who is also the Johor DAP deputy chairman.

The case management was filed in chambers in the presence of senior assistant registrar Zaiton Anuar.

Gwee said he wanted to file the case although it occurred in 2009 because he wanted to seek justice as well as to repair his reputation.

“After the allegations were carried by the mainstream media the following day, I suffered mentally as my long-established reputation was tarnished by the allegations overnight.

“I am not sure if this is the reason why I was not fielded in the last general election. Although the allegations were made over four years ago, I do not think it is too late to seek justice now,” he said.

The defendant is required to file a reply on Oct 3 while the plaintiff will reply on Oct 17.

The court will fix a trial date on Oct 30 in the event that both the plaintiff and the defendant fail to settle the case outside court.

Gwee was a one-term state-assemblyman after he defeated Chris Lee in 2008.
