More controversy over DAP election

(The Star) – The controversy over the DAP election has not ended with the ROS insisting the party has not complied with the directive to hold a national congress.

The ROS had advised DAP to hold fresh polls in a national congress in accordance with its party constitution as opposed to doing it in a special congress to be held on Sept 29.

However, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has sent letters to branches and delegates requesting full attendance for the special congress scheduled this Sunday.

ROS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said it was up to DAP to hold a special congress to conduct its affairs.

“But, I believe all DAP members are aware that the election of CEC members must be made through a national congress, with sufficient notice given to delegates in accordance with the party constitution,” he said.

A seven-day notice to delegates is sufficient for a special congress but branches should be given a minimum 10-week notice prior to a national congress.

On July 30, the ROS had directed DAP to hold fresh polls after allegations of electoral discrepancies emerged shortly after its party polls.

Some members had lodged complaints with the ROS following DAP’s decision to amend election results some three weeks after the Dec 15 polls which resulted in Khairil Khir Johari assuming an elected CEC post.

On Sept 10, Ladang Paroi DAP branch chief David Dass applied for an injunction to stop the special congress scheduled for Sept 29 on grounds that it was illegal to call for a special congress to hold CEC polls.

In his application, David said that according to Article 5 (d), clause VIII of the party constitution, the CEC election was listed as one of the items on the agenda at a party national congress.

DAP had filed a counter suit to strike out the application.

Meanwhile, Lim alleged that dirty tactics were being used to sabotage fresh polls, undermine the party’s credibility and the leadership’s integrity.

“It is an act of political vengeance for DAP’s successes in the 13th General Election,” he said in a letter sent to the party branches.

Abdul Rahman said that the ROS was not out to victimise any organisation.

“We are upholding justice for all members of the party, and not only for the committee.

“As regulators, we are carrying out our duties in accordance with the Societies Act,” he said.

When contacted, DAP returning officer Dr Ong Kian Ming said there was no restriction against holding an election in a special congress.

“Our constitution allows an election to be held during a special congress,”said Dr Ong who called the ROS to study the party constitution.

