Leave Pakatan, Pas urged

ALL FOR IT: Pas Ulama chief’s call for the party to review ties with DAP and PKR should be considered, says Pas member

(NST) – A CALL for Pas to review its collaboration with the opposition, Pakatan pact, continues to gain momentum despite being ridiculed by the party’s deputy president Mohammad Sabu (pic).

Permatang Binjal Pas branch member Mahzan Zahid defended the party’s Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib, who had made the call, following a drop in the support for the party in the last general election.

“I do not agree with the opinion that the call (for Pas to review its ties with DAP and PKR) is not a brilliant idea.

“Harun is a visionary leader and respected by many people in the party.

“The call made by Harun is sincere. All he wanted to do was for Pas to gain more support from its allies and adversaries,” he said yesterday.

Mohammad, or fondly known as Mat Sabu, who failed to gain prominence after he lost the Pendang parliamentary seat in the 13th General Election, told a news portal recently that the call for Pas to review its partnership in the opposition as “satu tindakan kurang bijak” (not a brilliant action).

Mahzan claimed there was “mild tension” between Pas and its opposition allies in several states and all these must be put to a stop.

“It is a high time for Pas (leaders) to look into this idea for the party’s political survival.”

Cracks within the opposition fold started to emerge after Harun initiated the call two weeks ago.

He said Pas had compromised on its principles to please its partners in the coalition, resulting in the party’s poor performance in the GE13.

Since then, several party members at the branch level had come out in support for Harun.

