Rahmad calls on DAP to amend constitution

Penang Malay Congress leader, who dramatically quit the party last week, alleges that DAP is Chinese-centric and should therefore, amend its constitution to reflect so.

Hawkeye, FMT

The outspoken Penang Malay Congress leader Rahmad Isahak has now called on DAP to amend its constitution to reflect the party’s positioning as a Chinese-centric party as it mostly championed issues of the community.

DAP should also do away with its multi-racial tagline and remove the slogan of “Malaysian Malaysia or Middle Malaysia,” he said.

He added that its constitution should read that Chinese are the dominant members while the rest are minorities and the Malays are relegated to just token representatives.

In his first statement since recently quitting DAP in a huff over what he alleged to be an unfavorable treatment of the Malays, Rahmad said the outcome of the central executive committee (CEC) election line-up portrays DAP as a Chinese party where an overwhelming number of leaders from that community were retained.

This is despite PMC’s constant clarion call for DAP to incorporate a multi-ethnic composition in view that it had become a dominant voice in Pakatan Rakyat, an alliance comprising reformists PKR and Islamists PAS.

Rahmad also believes that a standing instruction was issued to the 1,000 plus delegates to vote in the same CEC line-up as that in the earlier election in December.

“It shows that the election is merely for them to thumb their noses at the authorities such as the Registar of Societies. It is a show,” he said.

According to him, the surprise was that the party icon Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng had each lost more than 200 votes in the re-election when compared to the previous elections last December.

Both finished behind Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong whose role as a political educational bureau chairman was seen as the catalyst for DAP outperforming all other political parties except Umno in the last general election.

Make Chin Tong the sec-gen

“Many may find this surprising but if one were to analyse the DAP voting pattern, the result also shows that the delegates have started erasing the long held perception that Lim dynasty controls the party. For me, Liew is a lightning rod,” Rahmad said.

The votes may have also gone to DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who was also seen as creating a parallel dynasty with the rise of his two sons, Gobind and Jagdeep, in the party.


