Two leaders resign, shocking Malacca DAP members

(TMI) – Two Malacca DAP representatives have abruptly quit their posts, sending shockwaves among party members in the state.

Goh Leong San (pic) tendered his resignation as opposition leader, while Lim Jak Wong resigned as opposition whip.

The duo’s resignations came less than a week after Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu quit the party to become an independent.

Goh’s colleagues in the state were reportedly unhappy that he had praised Chief Minister Datuk Idris Haron’s leadership.

“Yes, I quit as opposition leader. I sent my letter to the party’s headquarters today,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

His decision prompted his good friend Lim, who is the Bachang assemblyman, to quit as well in solidarity. He also submitted his letter today.

However, Lim and Goh, who is Duyong assemblyman, said they are still party members and have no plans to leave.

Last Wednesday, Goh was quoted in a daily describing and praising Idris as “approachable” and a “professional manager”.

“I was not deliberately praising him but he needs the credit. We, as the opposition, have approached him on many issues and he looked into our predicaments without rejecting us.

“I believe we should give credit where it is due. Idris has been doing his job quietly without gaining much publicity,” he said.


