DAP on the warpath, warns members with “BN hearts” and BN-controlled media it will act

Rita Jong, TMI

DAP is ready to wage war against the Barisan Nasional-controlled media and against its own members who are out to sabotage the party, said its secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (pic) today.

The party has directed its national organising secretary Anthony Loke, who is also the Seremban MP, to investigate and take disciplinary action against party members who “wear the Rocket badges but have BN hearts” and try to destroy DAP.

“Loke will submit a formal complaint and if there is basis for further action, it will be brought up to the party’s disciplinary committee headed by DAP deputy chairperson and Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai.”

Lim also said DAP’s legal bureau head and Puchong MP, Gobind Singh Deo, will also take legal action against BN-controlled media, like the New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia, who continue to defame the party.

“Gobind will study the statements published in these newspapers and decide whether to file defamation suits against them to protect the party from being subjected to further attacks that may give opportunity for oppressive action by the Registrar of Societies (RoS),” he said in a statement.

“DAP has to take firm action and protect the party from these lies of cheating to repel BN and its media, New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia’s shameless tactics of ‘turning a lie into the truth by repeating it 10,000 times’.

“The public has lost count of the number of times both the media have apologised to Pakatan Rakyat leaders to settle suits out of court.”

Lim pointed out that DAP had created history by being the first political party in Malaysia to appoint an international accounting firm to monitor its election process last month, from the issuance of notices, to delegates, to the counting of ballots.

DAP held a fresh election on September 29 after the RoS had directed the party to do so after ruling there were irregularities in its elections last December.


