DAP bent on use of Allah word by Christians

(NST) – DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party is firm in its stand that Christians should be allowed to use the word “Allah”.

He said the Pakatan opposition pact would make a joint statement on the matter today.

“This is a sensitive issue and as such it is important for all three opposition parties to meet up and give a joint statement. As the state Pakatan chairman, I will wait for the official announcement on the matter.

“However, as for the DAP, we stand firm with our original stand that Christians should be allowed to use the word ‘Allah’,” he said when asked to comment on the Court of Appeal ruling on Monday.

The court had ruled that the Catholic weekly The Herald could not use the word in its Bahasa Malaysia section, printed mainly for the benefit of Christians from East Malaysia.

The ruling had overturned a Kuala Lumpur High Court decision in 2009.

