Gerakan – It’s Time for Change 

Stephen Doss 

It’s about time that component political parties with the Barisan Nasional use this opportunity to reflect on the kind of leadership they would like to have represent them on the national stage.

The last General Elections should have made it clear that the people of Malaysia are not easily hoodwinked into voting for just any Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthusamy, this is especially so in the more well connected, well read urban centers in Malaysia.

This weekend Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia is about to have its nomination for soon to be held party elections, many in the country would have by now written them off as side shows, if the party continues to elect individuals only because of who they are associated with in the party and not because of their national standing then the party is set to confirm what many Malaysians are saying about them, that the party filled with old warlords have not learnt anything from the last two General Elections.

My wish is for the party to look to its younger leaders to re-energize the party, individuals like Dato Mah Siew Keong should be the future of the party, proven party leaders like its Kedah Youth Chief Tan Keng Liang a familiar face on the national political scene and social media should be given an opportunity to lead at the national level. Tan Keng Liang was a constant thorn in the PAS led state government of Kedah before its fall.     

I believe that individuals like Teng Chang Yeow  and Oh Tong Keong have seen better days and should make way for others, they have twice contested in Penang and failed. They should either redeem themselves in Penang first before attempting to go national or retire for good.

My two cents worth for the party that I joined because I once believed in the ideals of its founding fathers.

To all candidates, may God be with you.

