Allah Judgment: ipse dixit, we won’t fix it
The Judgments effectively say “if the Home Minister believes it,” (in Latin, ipse dixit) that’s good enough for the courts.
(The Court of Appeal released 1 Summary and 3 individual Judgments. I also read the 31st December 2009 High Court Judgment. In what follows, “Judgments,” refers to one or more of the 4 Judgments released by the Court of Appeal.)
Article 3 is in Part I of the Constitution, whilst Articles assuring the rights of liberty, no-enslavement, equality, free movement, speech, assembly, association, etc. are in Part II.
According to the Judgments, it follows from the preceding statement that rights in Part II have to be curbed to protect rights in Part I. (Note: the Constitution has 15 Parts.)
According to the Judgments, since Islam is mentioned before ‘other religions’ in Article 3(1), all non-Muslims in Malaysia must (1) agree with the government and the Court of Appeal that “Allah” describes only the Official Malaysian Muslim God, and (2) use another Name in place of “Allah.” It matters for nothing that “Islam” and “other religions” are in the same sentence, all that matters is that “Islam” appears before “other religions.”
(The publisher of the Herald – Catholic Weekly is Tan Sri Datuk Murphy Pakiam. He speaks for the Catholic Church. The leaders of other Malaysian churches concur with Archbishop Murphy about the usage of “Allah” for God.)
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