DAP hunts for enemies within

(The Star) – Now that DAP’s heated battle with the Registrar of Societies (RoS) over party polls is settled, it is training its gun at dissenters.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has directed organising secretary Anthony Loke (pix) to investigate and take disciplinary action against party members “wearing Rocket badges but with BN (Barisan Nasional) hearts”.

A DAP insider said that there were several vocal party members who had undermined the party during the re-election of the central committee held on Sept 29 and were continuing to do so.

“We don’t know specifically who they are going to go for, but it’s directed at those who continue to undermine the party after election,” he said.

Another source said certain DAP veterans had made unfounded claims about the party polls, including accusing DAP of bringing in phantom voters.

Some grassroots leaders had spoken out against the party during the election troubles, such as Zulkifli Mohd Noor, who repeatedly claimed that the party’s leadership was manipulating the voting process in the re-election.

“Loke will most likely have to document all wrongdoings and take it to the committee. Previously the status quo was that leaders cannot take action unless and until someone makes a complaint.”

He said DAP leaders had most likely taken this step since it was no longer in the shadow of the RoS.

“Previously the party was being threatened by external forces, like the RoS who said it could be de-registered. Now that the crisis is over, leaders want to focus on internal threats,” he added.

Loke, who is Seremban MP, told The Star Online that he would begin his work this week.

“I’ve nothing to report yet, but I can say that this ruling to take action is definitely not directed at any specific persons.”

According to a statement sent by Lim earlier this week, Loke will be investigating and taking disciplinary action against party members who “try to destroy and sabotage DAP”.

If any wrongdoing is discovered by Loke, he must submit a formal complaint to the party’s disciplinary committee headed by deputy chairman Tan Kok Wai.

Tan, also Cheras MP, said his committee would look into the complaints referred by Loke.

He assured party members that the directive would not violate freedom of speech.

“We will be targeting those who bring disrepute to the party, but I and my committee will not allow any curbing of freedom of speech within DAP. We uphold freedom of speech with genuine and good intent,” he said.

