Well Done Malaysia! In Incarcerating The Sycophants Of The Team Four Documentary. Hopefully Others Will Follow.
The Malaysian Government has done well in apprehending Mme. Lena Hendry and her accomplices who are none but sycophants of those behind the Team Four Documentary whose agendas appear to be sourced, funded and approved by powerful sources comprising the global anti Sri Lankan Tamil lobby.
Sunil Kumar, Lankaweb
The adjudicators of the trial of a woman in Malaysia who faces jail for screening a Channel Four film now infamous albeit purportedly popularised as having won some awards (from which donor one wonders? ~ linked to myopia and insensitivity for all the wrong reasons perhaps!) about Sri Lanka needs to be assertive and definitive as well as precedent setting towards discouraging others from broadcasting the exaggerated lies and innuendo this film has portrayed and the damage it has purportedly caused towards the smooth functioning of Sri Lanka as a Sovereign Nation emerging from a near nation destructive terrorist insurgency.
The irony of it all is that under the guise of promoting Civil Rights and Human Rights used as a front for some to eke out a living (a popular means of existence for certain types in the world today) they seem to thrive in their trade hardly giving a thought to the damage it can cause towards swaying world opinion about a situation that through their incongruous as well as misconceived tools of malicious intent such as the Channel Four presentation have not only totally distorted the truth but has also caused unnecessary distress for a sovereign nation making great inroads towards progress where big western powers based singly on the trash promoted by the Channel Four codswallop which was examined by many experts and analysts and deemed false and distorted based on scientific reasoning, are now targetting Sri Lanka at a time when they realistically should be supporting the progress, which is an apathetic response from those involved.
Therefore it seems like poetic justice when Mme. Lena Hendry, said to be “a mild-mannered member of a small civil rights group in Malaysia” has been arrested by the Malaysian Authorities during the screening of the despotic Channel Four film “No Fire Zone ~ the killing fields of Sri Lanka” at Kuala Lumpur’s “Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall”.
Her organisation, called KOMAS, which has been using the facility for years to show documentaries and movies about human rights, on the day of the screening recently, however had a rude surprise when a number of “unexpected guests” as reported in the media, turned up overturning whatever the objectives were in screening this film as they happened to be Law Enforcement Officers who promptly threw the book at her and her aides.
As reported – thirty Malaysian policemen, government officials and immigration officers had tried to shut the screening down and had also made three arrests and interrogated members of the audience – according to those in attendance, some claiming harassment. “We were shocked by what happened,” said Ms Hendry probably unaware that the activities of her organization had been monitored for sometime which was obviously not viewed in an encouraging perspective by the Malaysian authorities whose actions speak louder than words about the intolerance of organizations such as hers and the confidence shown towards supporting the Government of Sri Lanka and her real people not antagonists..
The film that KOMAS was promoting was the controversial Channel Four presentation“No fire-zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka,” said to be a multi-award winning documentary although little is known of the awards or their sources which certainly do not entail any Film Academy of repute or any others that might have the affront to present awards to such a souped up and wickedly doctored film which even appears to have utilised false information provided by pro terrorist elements about the alleged Sri Lankan Government’s brutal assault on Tamil civilians at the end of that country’s Tamil Tiger led terrorist insurgency which was crushed by Government Forces four years ago.
Despite the lies and innuendo in this presentation there have been no tangible proof towards the accusations thus far although the bellyaching on the part of the accusers continue where to the contrary there is documented and first hand corroborated evidence that it was the Tamil Tiger insurgents who caused widespread distress to the citizens of Sri Lanka irrespective of ethnicity and it was the Armed Forces that eventually played a major role in providing protection and safe passage for fleeing innocent civilians from the clutches of the terrorists who used them as a human shield. In this respect the Channel Four news item and any others forthcoming of similar presentation should be irrefutably trashed as being damnable as they seem to have conveniently avoided including the related sequences in their presentation which would otherwise show the Armed Forces in their true guise as protectors and redeemers!
(Colombo Gazette) – Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has confirmed he will attend the 23rd Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which will be held in Sri Lanka from the 15th to the 17th of next month, the Malaysian media reported today.
“We have confirmation that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will be attending CHOGM next month,” said Foreign Ministry’s assistant secretary for the South Asian desk, Mashitah Ahmad when contacted by phone, Free Malaysia Today.com reported.
There have been calls by certain parties for Malaysia to boycott the meeting following Sri Lanka’s alleged war crimes against its Tamil population.
Yesterday, Suaram advisor Kua Kia Soong made the call because Malaysia sponsors the World Moderate Movement and has even formed a war crimes tribunal against the US and Britain – for their invasion into Iraq.
Four days ago a coalition of Indian NGOs also urged Najib to boycott the meet due to alleged human rights abuses committed by the Sri Lankan government against the countries’ Tamil minorities.
Former Teluk Intan MP M Manogaran expressed that he was pessimistic about Najib boycotting the meeting as Malaysia had abstained from voting on the UN resolution against the island nation last year.