There’s a gay in the office!

Another Brick in the Wall

Was alerted this morning by a Whas App message of a blog revealing an affidavit involving the divorce case between an officer in the Prime Minister’s Department and his former wife.

The said officer is PM’s speechwriter, Khairul Annas Jusoh. His ex-wife was Syarifah Nabila Sara bin Dato Syed Abdul Rahman.

Rings a bell?

Yes, she is the daughter of Mongolia’s Honorary Consul in Malaysia Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi. When they got married in 2010, it was not actually a marriage between celebrities but the pomp and pageantry was close to one and dubbed the wedding of the decade.

The affidavit revealed a dark side of Dato Najib’s Head of Policy and Research at the Prime Minister’s Office. It will be viral in the next few days. As always, anything with S E X, normol or abnormal, will always be HOT HOT HOT … issue.

In the affidavit posted by The Benchmark blog here, it revealed this fella has some weird sex practices. We highlight below:


