Disgruntled members: DAP re-election ‘unlawful’

Disgruntled members say that the recent CEC election was unlawful as it was called by Lim Guan Eng who was not the secretary-general. 

Alyaa Azhar, FMT

Several disgruntled DAP members have expressed their dissatisfaction against party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and the recent central executive committee (CEC) polls, calling it ‘unlawful’.

Through letters sent to the Registrar of Societies (ROS), some DAP members stressed that as Lim was not the properly selected secretary-general due to the invalid December 15 2012 CEC polls, he did not have the power to call for the DAP re-election.

One of the members, DAP Taman Seri branch assistant secretary Wong Yu Liuh said there was no office bearer in the CEC until a proper re-election is held.

“The only proper and lawful office bearer of the DAP was the public officer as provided under Section 9 (C) of the Societies Act.

“The lawful person who can act for the DAP after December 15 was the public officer as approved by the ROS,” he said.

Wong added that as such, Lim was not the legally elected secretary-general and could not sign any documents.

“Lim has the same right as any other DAP member, no more no less. (Thus), the recent polls that was held on September 29 was unlawful as it was not called by the public officer,” he said.

Wong also argued against the notice period of four weeks given for the DAP re-election.

“It was unconstitutional due to the fact that the notice period was only four weeks whereas the DAP Constitution provides for 10 weeks. This was a serious violation of the DAP Constitution,” he said.

DAP chairman Karpal Singh had declared that the party CEC polls would be held sometime in October in compliance with the provision of the DAP constitution, which provides for 10 weeks notice to be given to all its delegates to attend its Congress.


