Holier than thou?


We have become religious class monitors constantly needing to remind every Tom, Dick and Harry of our duties and faith.  We seem to be incapable of having a general conversation about sex, food, books, cars, health without invoking god. 

Dina Zaman, MM 

Do people, i.e. Muslim Malaysians, remind each other of their obligations every second of the day?I don’t know if it’s me but lately the conversations I have with fellow Muslims have become miniature usrahs. My Facebook statuses on quotes by non-Muslims have been marked as too Westernised. Why post Socrates’s thoughts, or even Oprah’s, when Islam is more than enough?  I just like these quotes, I say when I’m asked.

A true Muslim will only post Islamic quotes. Our religion is enough, you don’t need to go far.


Allow me to give you two more examples of how preachy we have become.

I was invited to a kenduri recently, and had brought a book along with me, titled Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim, Christian and Jewish, by JE Hanauer, and published by Islamic Book Trust (IBT). I bring a book everywhere I go, which is why my handbag weighs a tonne!

You wouldn’t believe the flap over the book.

“Oh you can’t show that to the kids.”

“What? I can’t?”

“Well (patient eyelash fluttering), I mean (pause), is that book halal? Does it have Islamic teachings?”

The men interjected. You know, the Malay lelaki saviour thing.

“Well it did say folklore… folklore means a myth kan Dina?”

The female mullahs glared at me and spoke very patiently to their dunderhead spouses.

“We have to be careful you know. Muslims are under threat these days and we want to impart the right kind of knowledge to our children.”

“Marmaduke Pickthall edited the book,” I said.

“And it’s published by IBT, so how haram can it be?”


My younger sister is a recent hijabi (though this fact has nothing to do with this article at all) and studies linguistics and languages. Recently, she found herself in a rather interesting situation. It was a discussion on Islam, but the conversation went south. She contacted me early in the morning to ask what to do with these people. 

“You know kan sometimes plugs don’t connect with sockets kan?” I said. “Basically, those people karan (current) tak masuk. Kepala fius.”

“But this is crazy. Islam is very intelligent. Why are there Muslims like this?”

“I told you. FIUS. You better don’t deal with these mullahs again.”

Finally this.

Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/opinion/dina-zaman/article/holier-than-thou 
