Karpal didn’t call for PAS’ deregistration

In defending Karpal, Lim Kit Siang says Karpal’s statement was taken out of context by parties out to wreck Pakatan Rakyat’s unity

Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT

DAP’s veteran leader Lim Kit Siang today defended Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh and warned the public to beware of people trying to wreck the unity within Pakatan Rakyat.

In a press statement, the DAP supremo said that Karpal did not call for the de-registration of PAS but instead he criticized the Muslim Lawyers’ Association (MLA) for threatening the Bar Council over its support for the Catholic weekly Herald.

“I spoke to Karpal myself and he made it clear that he did not call for it (deregistration of PAS),”

“Karpal criticized MLA for threatening the Bar Council and he stresses out that in the interests of national unity, political or professional bodies should not operate along racial and religious lines,”

“All should beware of people trying to wreck the unity of Pakatan Rakyat,” Lim said.

Lim urged rational and patriotic thinking Malaysians to keep their focus to demand the end of the rhetoric of racial and religious hatred.

He added that the majority of Malaysians have been increasingly concerned by the escalation of racial and religious slur in the country, thus such concern should not be allowed to be sidelined by baseless allegations.

“What is needed is for rational and patriotic Malaysians to keep their focus to demand the de-escalation of the rhetoric of racial and religious intolerance and hatred, which is completely in contradiction to the values of moderation,”

“This is espoused by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia policy and his world-wide campaign for a “Global Movement of Moderates,” Lim added.

MCA jabs Karpal

Meanwhile, MCA has lambasted Karpal by saying that the DAP strongman should first walk the talk and take action against PAS which is a religious based political party.

MCA Central Committee Loh Seng Kok said Karpal should first look at PAS before talking about deregistering race based parties.

“It seems that the DAP national chairman has been divorced from reality. He is extremely short-sighted and unconcerned about hurting the feelings of others and the consequences which may arise from his remark,”

“If we were to follow Karpal’s line of reasoning, then those associations representing vernacular education may face deregistration, as well as many other guilds and organizations which also cover a variety of issues,” he added.


