Ex-Teratai rep Jenice Lee sues DAP deputy chief

(The Star) – Former Teratai assemblyman Jenice Lee Ying Ha is suing DAP deputy chairman Tan Kok Wai for allegedly accusing her of having committed misconduct.

Lee said Tan had defamed her during the GE13 campaigning period when he held a press conference at Taman Muda market on April 23.

She said that Tan, who is DAP disciplinary committee chairman, made a statement alleging she committed abuse of power, embezzlement, corruption and conflict of interest.

She said the statement containing defamatory words against her was published in Chinese newspapers and on the Internet, adding that Tan had failed to take any reasonable actions to verify the accuracy of his statement.

Lee said Tan knew that the statement would tarnish her reputation and good name when she was contesting as an independent candidate for Teratai state seat.

She said the statement implied that she was immoral, arrogant and should not be elected by voters.

In her statement of claim, Lee said her solicitor had sent a letter of demand, dated Sept 19, to Tan asking him to retract his statement and later apologise to her but he failed to show any remorse.

She said Tan instead had use his position to issue a show cause letter and terminate her membership with the party on Oct 7 and Oct 30 respectively.

Lee is seeking general, aggravated and exemplary damages and an injunction to stop Tan from repeating the libel against her in any manner.

Besides that, Lee also applied to the court for Tan to publish an apology in five Chinese newspapers, and for interest and costs.

Her lawyer Michael Wong told reporters here that the defamation suit was filed at the High Court civil registry at 9.06am Monday.

Speaking to reporters here, Lee said she and her family have been suffering unfair misunderstanding from the public due to the statement.

“I have initiated the civil proceedings to ask the court to hear and adjudicate this case in order to restore my reputation and integrity,” said Lee.

