MCA hits out at ‘political chameleon’ Anwar

MCA says Anwar Ibrahim as a leader should maintain a consistent stand instead of chopping and changing.

Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT 

MCA today slammed Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for denying making claims that 40,000 Bangladeshis voted in the last general election and saying the statement was placed in his mouth by his political opponents.

MCA publicity bureau chairman Heng Seai Kie said Anwar’s contradiction over the Bangladeshi voters was typical of his “chameleon character”.

“As the leader of the Opposition, Anwar should maintain a consistent stand rather than changing  his rhetoric over and over again so as to confuse the public,” she said in a press statement.

“Such actions are not only demeaning but also damages his image as the Dewan Rakyat Opposition Leader,” she added.

Heng’s deputy Loh Seng Kok described Anwar’s U-turn on the claims as an “extremely shameful act coming from someone of his stature”, and as ”Pakatan’s abuse of the public’s trust”.

“Even before the 13th General Elections (GE13), the opposition had attempted to defame and discredit the BN government with all kinds of baseless allegations and had urged their supporters to hurl all kinds of foul words at us through the use of social media,” he said.

“In the past he and other Pakatan leaders had no qualms about letting their supporters run loose on the Internet to use these allegations of 40,000 Bangladeshi voters to discredit BN.

“Now however the tables are turned, and we see Anwar shirking his responsibility  by denying his claims of foreign voters,” he added.

Heng proceeded to slam Anwar for constantly altering his stand on various issues, including the latter’s vow to quit politics if Pakatan fails to capture Putrajaya in GE13.

“On July 4, 2012, Anwar had pledged that should Pakatan fail to win the federal government after GE13, he would quit politics and go overseas to lecture. Today, more than six months have passed since GE13, Anwar refuses to step down,” she said.

“On Feb 27, 2013, Anwar claimed that if Pakatan captures Putrajaya, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang would become the Deputy Prime Minister.

“This suggestion was immediately repudiated by PAS leaders and Anwar subsequently fell silent. He did not refute PAS which indicates  Anwar’s insincerity in the pre-GE promises and that he is willing to discard integrity and principles,” she added.

She also highlighted Anwar’s claim that PAS’ hudud enactments are not part of Pakatan’s policy and that implementation for any policy must have tripartite consensus and approval.

“However, on Nov 7, 2013, Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar  Nik Abdullah said that the state government has formed a technical committee to discuss the implementation of the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment 1993,” she lamented.

“Once again, Anwar was not brave enough to come forward to uphold his promise that a tripartite consensus approval was needed,” she added.


