Mat Sabu’s win at PAS polls, a win for PKR, DAP instead, says Utusan

Lee Shi-Ian, TMI

Mohamad Sabu’s successful defence of his PAS deputy president position was described by Utusan Malaysia today as a victory for both PKR and the DAP, in what is seen as an attempt by the Umno-owned newspaper to chip away at the Islamist party’s support among the Malay community.

Columnist Awang Selamat continued Utusan Malaysia’s campaign to portray the Islamist party as a stooge in Pakatan Rakyat, sarcastically congratulating Mohamad Sabu, or Mat Sabu, on his victory in yesterday’s party polls.

Awang Selamat, the pseudonym for Utusan Malaysia’s collective editorial team, said it accepted the decision made by PAS members at the 59th PAS Muktamar with an open heart.

“The news of Mat Sabu successfully defending his position will be greeted with huge applause and relief by PAS and DAP,” Awang said.

“Even before the official results were announced, a senior DAP leader had already congratulated him via social media.”

Awang said based on the results of the PAS Muktamar, it seemed that many of the pro-DAP PAS nominees, including Mat Sabu, had either defended or won the positions they contested.

“As long as Mat Sabu reflects the PAS leadership, DAP’s hopes and vision will shine brightly.” 

Awang said the decision by PAS members to support Mat Sabu, who won by 980 votes against Nik Amar’s 490 votes, indicated the direction they had chosen for their party to take.

“Although a faction of PAS was disgruntled with the result as they felt Mat Sabu was not an appropriate candidate for the position due to his involvement in moral issues, it is too late now.

“The pro-clerics hopes of bringing about change in the party have been dashed as the PAS members have made their choice.”

This is the second time Mat Sabu has proven that he is the most qualified individual to be the PAS deputy president.

The Utusan columnist speculated that perhaps someday, Mat Sabu might even rise to become the party president, adding that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was seen as preferring to take the safe route to safeguard his position.

“There does not seem to be any way for the PAS leadership to free itself from the influence of the Pakatan Rakyat alliance.”


