Working Class Joe!
When we talk about change, there is nothing much you could change in your life. The system is designed to perfection that the changes that we constantly talk about is merely an illusion. We love the ideology of change but not when it is implemented on us. We are just afraid of change when it is implied on us.
Visnu Natesan
Who are we to judge? People make mistakes. If we could measure the amount of mistakes committed by people, I believe the number would be infinity. But that’s not the point, the argument is always on what is the damage caused by the mistake.
I have committed many mistakes that I wish I could go back in time to fix. But life doesn’t work that way, our existence continues on the very mistake we always wish we have not done in the first place.
I observe people to proclaim my own sanity. At times I wish I have a ‘remote control’ to change people’s perception on the subjects of existence, community, art, music, etc. But then again, change is necessary when it is required. When change becomes a constant catalyst in a society, it proves to be disastrous. Reflecting the concept to us, the changes that we have gone through has pushed into the abyss or unknown.
We have control over things that we are aware and know. If those entire notions on changes are heading towards unknown, chaos intervenes. The dynamic in a society supposedly improves the condition of its members. In our context, the changes have lost its essence.
The leaders scream for revolution, the corporate organization spends millions for change management, and the global leaders invented the ideology of ‘globalization’ which proclaims the future of a borderless world. The ideology appeals only as an idea, but in the context of reality, people most of the times are just afraid of changes.
In the age of information, we have developed an appetite for destruction. We have acquired more knowledge than previous civilizations but we lack the wisdom to be prosperous. Where is the missing link of the great civilization that we are supposed to be? I believe it lies within us.
Human as a social animal has manifested to be greedier than ever. The modern civilization only appeals to the fittest. The new age dictators come in the forms of financial institutions, political parties, military labs, and research centers and media owners.
In reality, we are back at where we started. The new age world belongs to high society. The elite will continue their existence by using the system that has proven successful for thousands of years. The working class will continue to exist without realizing their existence is merely to serve the elites.
Burdened with a system introduced to keep the working class functioning, we remain where we are. Nothing will change the way an average person leads his life. The cycle goes on and on. The system works fine for the fittest members of the human race.
When we talk about change, there is nothing much you could change in your life. The system is designed to perfection that the changes that we constantly talk about is merely an illusion. We love the ideology of change but not when it is implemented on us. We are just afraid of change when it is implied on us.
For the working class, our existence will be remembered by people close to us. The talk on revolution, people comes first and the whole propaganda is for the survival of the fittest. The elite members of the society will continue to survive in the system by manipulation. Life for the working classes is like a boring story book. You could read one and it applies to millions around you. So in that boring existence, have fun while you’re at it. Have a good weekend, folks!