Refer Islam to only Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah – UMNO Youth
(TMT) – Umno Youth has proposed that the definition of Islam as the official religion of the country to be fine-tuned and referred to only the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah sect, said its vice-chief, Khairul Azwan Harun.
He said this was to curb the spread of deviant teachings such as Syiah that could destroy the country, particularly the younger generation who were susceptible to such teachings.
“This should not be taken lightly as deviant teachings could threaten national security and Umno Youth demand decisive action to be taken to thwart them,” he said when presenting a motion of thanks on the Umno Youth chief’s policy speech at the movement’s general assembly here today.
Hence, Khairul Azwan said Higher Education Bureau chairman Fathulbari Mat Jahya would table the motion at the Umno General Assembly tomorrow.
He said the movement should continue to take a progressive approach by playing the role of a trouble-shooter to every problem faced by the people, apart from becoming a pressure group in the interest of the people.
“Umno Youth also have to assist the people and fight for the their well-being. The progressive approach will not set us adrift from the foundation of Islamic struggle and will not turn us into a group subscribing pluralism and liberalism,” he said.
Khairul Azwan said the movement would also propose that the government appoint a dedicated minister to ensure that the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment programme would be implemented effectively, reported Bernama.
“We want ministers who have intense passion, knowledge and the Malay spirit to ensure that Bumiputera will benefit from the agenda, apart having key performance indicators in Bumiputera economic empowerment while the audit report should be presented to Umno members and the people,” he said.
Urging Umno Youth members not to be lulled by the 13th general election victory, he said it was time that young leaders in Umno work hard to restore the people’s confidence.
“More and more young leaders of quality and calibre must be nurtured to fight for the people while training at the grassroots level should be intensified to create a new generation of Umno leaders who can serve the people,” he said.