Zahid orders action against Mat Sabu over alleged Syiah links 

(MMO) – Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today issued an order for religious authorities to clamp down on PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu over his alleged links to the banned Syiah movement.

Addressing a packed auditorium on the last day of Umno’s 64th general assembly, Zahid — who is also an Umno vice-president — said his ministry will no longer tolerate any elements that are seen as a threat to national security.

“PAS, set aside politic interests. This is about akidah (faith) and national security… I am surprised how their party elections installed a Syiah as the number two leader in PAS,” he said in his winding up speech, in a clear reference to Muhamad Sabu.

“We are done laying low. Jamil Khir, KDN gives you the power to take action against (that) PAS leader,” he said to thunderous applause from the over 2,000 delegates.

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