Adaptation and Extinction
Why do you want to write something about Sunni Islam into the constitution when UMNO Malays don’t have faith in our constitution?  
Sakmongkol AK47 

The principle of natural selection applied socially as used by Herbert Spencer for example refers to the ability and means by which a social organism adapts to its immediate, local environment. It’s not used in the sense biologists understand the term.
It’s the ability of a social organism to adapt to its social environment whereby it quickly acquires the traits that confers it advantages to survive. It’s not merely being fit to survive but acquiring the traits that confer it advantages over others. In biology, as long as an organism can reproduce it must be by definition, fit. The fact that UMNO is there means it is already fit. It can reproduce political yahoos and the hallelujah types cant it?
But can it acquire the traits, values and culture to ensure political longevity? That requires leadership and quality members. UMNO lacks both. And that is good for all of us.
At the end of the UMNO PAU-wow recently, its president spoke of the imperative for UMNO to adapt. It simply means that UMNO must abandon its current traits and acquire new ones to ensure its longevity and survival.
From my own personal experience, there is a wide divide between what Najib says and what he will actually do. I am inclined to believe that when Najib spoke about adaptation, he intended it for public and not UMNO consumption. Much of what he said is lost amidst the din of morbid Malay triumphalism during the UMNO PAU-wow.
To me what Najib said was just empty talk. I draw this conclusion because he totally avoided qualifying his call for adaptation. Did he rein in the calls to assert Malay supremacy when delegates say UMNO should not care less if others call it racist? This actually affirms that UMNO is indeed a racist party. Now, when you don’t have the culture and values that reject such extremism, UMNO racism will continue notwithstanding what its president says.
