Where’s Pakatan’s national development plan?

Since its 2008 historical sweep into the political forefront and its retention of two key states – Penang and Selangor – in GE13, the Pakatan Rakyat coalition has done doing but gripe, claims a NGO. 

Athi Shankar, FMT

An NGO here wants answers and a national development floor-plan from Pakatan Rakyat, which it claims has done “nothing”  todate except criticize the Barisan Nasional government and tarnish the country’s reputation abroad.

Sensible & Ethical Malaysian United Team (Semut) president Huan Cheng Guan said that for every criticism hurled against the federal government, Pakatan was neither innocent nor blameless in not committing the same actions its leaders condemned.

“For all their criticisms at the federal government, has Pakatan proposed any concrete ways to overcome problems highlighted?

“Pakatan does not have a good record securing foreign investments on their own without riding on BN efforts.

“ Have any of their leaders ever praised or promoted the country locally or internationally in speeches or social networking platforms?

“Pakatan have never assured Malaysians or foreigners that the country is a fantastic place to live and to invest, “ he said in a  statement yesterday..

Huan said that since 2008, Pakatan was yet to produce a shadow cabinet to provide the much needed check and balance and prove their leaders can be better than BN leaders.

All they seemed to be doing is  complaining, ranting and disgracing the federal government on corruption, wastage and other issues, he said.

“Malaysians are keen to know what Pakatan has done for the country as a whole.

“Picture this scenario.  Two opposing factions declare their allegiance to their country.

“One works to develop the nation positively although not perfectly, while the other consistently runs down the country locally and abroad supposedly for the rakyat’s sake.

“Internationally, the nation’s prestige is on the downward trend. Many conclude that things are not well on the home front.

“So whom would you trust?” asked Huan.


