Umno’s greater agenda

The question Umno needs to address is this: how many Malays are with Umno and how many against? And Umno is now looking at the Malays in PAS and PKR.


“By 2020, we would have increased our population to 29.9 million with Malays and Bumiputera making up 20.7 million (69.2%), Chinese 6.8 million (22.8%), Indians 2.1 million (7%) and others 306,000 (1%).”

This was what Najib Tun Razak said in his keynote address to Umno members in conjunction with Umno’s 67th general assembly last week.

If you want the above to be translated into easy speak here it is:

By 2020, Najib declares that Umno will have effectively neutralised any possibility that the Chinese, the Indians and “others” would, in any way, have any meaningful input into the manner by which the politics of this nation is to be decided. Only the Malays matters! Umno has the support of these Malays!

He does not talk about the vision he or Umno has about how our nation will be in 2020. He does not talk about a nation united in diversity. He does not promise that our children will have a life much better than what we now have.

He does not say that Malaysia will be a better place to live in by 2020. He does not mention anything about his government’s ability to lower the national public debt below the RM500 billion that it is now at.

He does not tell us that by 2020 our nation will be free of corruption, nepotism, arrogance and money politics!

What does he tells us?

This prime minister tells us that by 2020 there will be 20.7 million Malays and Umno takes credit for this because all the Malay affirmative policies of Ketuanan Melayu, the massive inflow of “Malay” pendatangs, all the massive outflow of our most talented professionals, all these Umno has made possible so that by 2020 the Malays will make up 69.2% (and counting) of Malaysia’s population.

And Umno no longer cares if the non-Malays label him and Umno racist. No excuses, no hidden agenda.

The 2020 vision of Mahathir Mohamad is now clear for all to see. By 2020, Malaysia will be for Malays, by the Malays and of the Malays.

The Pakatan union

That is in 2020. What is the political reality today?

Three political parties with widely diverse ideologies had come together as Pakatan Rakyat united by their hatred for Umno.

What do you think will happen to our nation if this Pakatan coalition did take government? Can three political parties with three divergent ideologies converge into a government for the people?

One can speculate and pontificate on that possibility but the only way to find out is to give them government.

Whether Malaysians are prepared to do so in the future is still to be seen but the aftermath of the 13th general election does not auger well for Pakatan for despite winning the popular votes, Pakatan is still very much a work in progress.

But for Umno what matters is if the Malays will vote for Umno.


