Gani: I don’t have shares in firms


A check with the Companies Commission of Malaysia will determine if I am a shareholder in various companies, says AG

Alyaa Azhar, FMT

Attorney-General (AG) Abdul Gani Patail has denied allegations of being a shareholder in various Malaysian and Hong Kong firms.

Abdul Gani said a check could easily be done with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) to determine if he was involved in any firm.

He said this after delivering a speech on ‘Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012: Its implications on defence and security’ organised by the Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security.

Yesterday, PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli asked the AG to list down the Malaysian and Hong Kong firms where he and his family members were shareholders.

Rafizi had said that he would only examine Abdul Gani’s accounts in Malaysia and Hong Kong if he was given the relevant information.

According to Rafizi, the information should include the bank accounts of Gani’s immediate families.

Gani: I’ll sign authorisation letter for Rafizi

On Rafizi’s statement that he will seek help from the ICAC, Hong Kong’s equivalent to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Abdul Gani said there was no need for Rafizi to go to such lengths.

“There’s no need to burden people. Just come and see me and I’ll just sign the authorisation letter,” he said.


