Lim: Penang Pas unhappy with PKR, not DAP

lim guan eng

(NST) – Penang Pas’ unhappiness with the state government is actually with PKR and not DAP, claimed Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Referring to the state Pas’ threat to withdraw from the DAP-led state government over the latter’s “unreasonable interference” in the administration of Islamic affairs, Lim said when it came to the Penang Islamic Religious Council, “we are not involved at all”.

“They clearly stated there were issues, and that the issues were between Pas and PKR.

“We asked them, ‘what are the issues related to us?’

“When you talk about religious issues, you have to resolve it within the Muslim community. It is between Pas and PKR.

“Pas’ unhappiness is with PKR. I have said it before and I will say it again, but it has never been highlighted.”

He said he believed the issues would be addressed by both parties’ leadership,” he said during a press conference yesterday.

It was reported that Pas was exasperated with the state government’s alleged meddling in the appointment of the party’s representatives to state agencies and village and security development committees.

State Pas deputy commissioner Muhammad Fauzi Yusoff said the state government did not appreciate the party’s contributions to ensure the people, especially Malays, continued to support Pakatan in the island state.

He had reportedly said that Lim’s administration never practised what it preached in reference to the latter’s “Competency, Accountability, Transparency” slogan.

Meanwhile, commenting on Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu’s appointment as the new state Pas commissioner, Lim said it wasn’t an issue.

“We had a close working relationship with Salleh (former state commissioner Datuk Mohd Salleh Man), and I believe it will be the same with Mat Sabu. Pas has its own calculations, and the state government as well as Pakatan respect its decision. To quote Salleh, ‘we need to look forward’. He said he would cooperate with Mat Sabu. It is a positive attitude shown by Salleh. It is the same for us.”

State PKR vice-chairman Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, when contacted, declined to comment on Lim’s statement.

