PAS: Two rallies planned for next year


PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu says that one is protest against recent price hikes while the other will be Bersih 4.0.

(FMT) – PAS will be organising two mega rallies next year, one to protest against the series of price hike announced recently and the other, Bersih 4.0.

Speaking at a radio show last night,  PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu said that the first rally is aimed to stop the government from hiking up prices of goods and services and install a better mechanism to help ease people’s financial burden.

“Pakatan Rakyat will work with pro democracy non governmental organisations to organise the rallies next year.

“The location, however, is yet to be decided but we will have the first one on May 1, in conjunction with Workers’ Day. Majority of the people who suffer from the price hike are workers and we will ensure that their voices will be heard,” said Mohamad Sabu, who is also known as Mat Sabu.

The other rally, the PAS leader said, would be another Bersih rally, in an effort to push for electoral reforms which has yet to happen.

Pressed on details on the Bersih rally, Mat Sabu said that he needed to discuss with the NGO’s  new chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah before divulging on more details.

“Bersih rally is in the cards for next year as the government and Election Commission are not serious in fixing the discrepancies in the electoral system.

“The date and venue have to be discussed with the new Bersih council, headed by Maria,” he added.


