NEP has failed, Chua tells Najib


The outgoing MCA president says that the government needs to adopt a need based affirmative action policy as the current system also helps the affluent bumiputras, instead of focusing on the poor.

Leven Woon, FMT

Outgoing MCA president Chua Soi Lek today told Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak that the New Economic Policy (NEP) has failed and urged the government to formulate a need based affirmative policy instead.

In his speech at the 60th MCA annual general assembly today, Chua said the current race-based affirmative action policy also helps rich bumiputras, instead of focusing on the poor alone.

“There should be a review of the policy on its pros and cons, as well as on why it has failed to uplift the economic status of the bumiputras after 40 years.

“MCA believes that the continued handouts system will not solve the problem.

“There is also a need to recognise that we should not treat bumiputras as a homogenous ethnic group because of the glaring disparity among the rich and poor bumiputras, including the bumiputras in Sabah and Sarawak.

“All right thinking Malaysians will not criticise the government for helping the socially and economically disadvantaged group, but strong resentment will be there if handouts are given to the rich,” said Chua.

He said that when the need-based affirmative action policy is put in place, bumiputras who form nearly 67.9% of the population will definitely benefit more than the non-bumiputras.

“Therefore, the new measures by you Sir, to strengthen the economic position of bumiputras, as well as financial and commercial sectors should be target-oriented,” he said.


