Rosmah, Najib’s backbone



Is it wrong to be the pillar of your husband?

Narinder Singh, FMT

‘I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.’ Mahatma Gandhi

On that lines, why should Rosmah Mansor not be an equal in assisting her husband since she is not a reporter or a photographer?

Rosmah has and will always be under the spot light of her critics no matter what she does and how she acts. Critics are what they are, to either be destructive or constructive; some get paid and some do it for leisure and fun.

Ever since Najib took office as the prime minister, Rosmah has been made the scapegoat on various issues, from being accused of arranging C4 explosives to wearing diamond rings worth millions.

Some even went to the extent of accusing her of practically running the PM’s office and chairing critical meetings on behalf of Najib.

Indeed all the allegations on her have fallen flat and never could be proved in the long run. There was a carpet dealer who took flight on his magic carpet when the heat took a turn and some fled abroad when they could not substantiate their claims against her and Najib.

If they truly stood and believed in their accusations, why not fight all the way for the matter, and not chicken out.

Why the enthusiasm and publicity with fire work stunts of statutory declarations if they never really had the intention to pursue persistently?

And for sure the opposition as usual just needs punching bags as long as they can score some points with their diehard fans looking for juicier stories every time they hold a protest, rally or ceramah.

Above all nothing beats the call for Rosmah to be made a minister since the episode of her using a government jet for an official trip abroad.

Is it wrong for Rosmah to be supportive of her husband just because Najib is the prime minster of Malaysia?

All those who are so against Rosmah should reflect upon themselves and ask – why on one end we advocate equality for women in all sectors but then on the other end of the spectrum condemn the woman to glory just because she is Rosmah Mansor?

Fair enough, not all are liked all the time by all, but then again that does not permit anyone for the matter to castigate an individual based on personal hatred and perverted emotions.


