Selamat Hari Natal: My message of peace

Mujahid Yusof Rawa is MP for Parit Buntar and PAS National Unity Committee chairman

Mujahid Yusof Rawa, The Malaysian Insider

The multifaceted aspects of our society have made our social fabric a unique one, one that depicts a diverse yet united society.

We have lived with diversity since the Malacca sultanate, when it was a busy port filled with international merchants and traders.

There, our history began and developed into one of the most diverse societies. Finally, it was embodied in the formation of an independent Malaya which the world knows today as the Federation of Malaysia.

Today, our society is one where diverse faiths are the basic character of Malaysia. Islam, as the religion of the state, allows others to practise their faith in harmony and with respect.

Today, Malaysians of the Christian faith celebrate Christmas in a joyful and merry mood. While every faith has its unique celebration and manner in which believers symbolise their gratitude on such a day, I, as fellow Malaysian and a Muslim, urge all Christians to continue the journey of peaceful relationship between faith and cherish our diversity  as a sign of The Creator the Almighty.

As a Muslim, I was taught by my Prophets, including Isa Ibnu Maryam (peace be upon all of them) to cherish diversity and live with respect for others.

I was told by my  Book (Quran) that it is vital I live strongly with my faith but, at the same time, accept diversity and live with respect.

It is in this context that my conviction of a peaceful interfaith relationship has turned into a sacred struggle where the soldiers of peace and bridge-builders come together, not to draw their sword against “others”, but to convey the message of peace or salam with full compassion and love with dignity and pride.

I stand today as  a fellow Malaysian in your Christmas celebration to call you to fight with me against injustice, racism and religious extremism and to say with a clear voice, we love this nation and we will not surrender to those who want to destroy it in the name of extremism and tyranny.

