Forum on freedom of the press


The Heat newspaper. The group wants to push for the idea of journalists speaking in one voice and to show a united front.

(Malay Mail) – Concerned about the recent suspension of news weekly The Heat, a group of journalists from various news organisations have formed an informal group called Gerakan Media Marah or Geramm.

The group wants to push for the idea of journalists speaking in “one voice” and to show a “united front”.

To kick off this awareness campaign, there will be a public forum where—apart from The Heat’s suspension—they will highlight violence against journalists during BERSIH 3.0 last year and the problems with the Printing Presses and Publication Act.

The forum, which will be moderated by The Malaysian Insider editor Zulkifli Sulong, will be held at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) on Friday Dec 27 from 9pm to 11pm.

Admission is free.
