PAS, Muslim NGO members march to protest execution of Bangladesh politician

Pas Bangladeshi Rally

(Fz) – About 200 members and supporters of PAS and Muslim-rights NGOs marched today in support of a Bangladeshi opposition politician convicted of war crimes.

Jamaat-e-Islami chief Abdul Quader Molla, who received the death sentence, was hanged on Dec 12.

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, vice president Salehuddin Ayub and central committee member Dr Hatta Ramli were among those who handed over a memorandum to the Bangladesh High Commission, denouncing capital punishment and the execution of Abdul Quader.

Among the NGOs present were Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) and National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students (PKPIM).

Mohamad Sabu said the tribunal which judged and sentenced Abdul Quader was not conducted in concordance with international standards.

“We see this as a global conspiracy to denounce Muslim movements or parties involved in elections because they have won in those elections, like in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and so on,” he said, adding the United States and its ally Saudi Arabia was interfering with the politics of each of the countries in the Middle East region.

“This forces Muslim movements to use means outside of the democratic process, which we don’t want to do.  We don’t want this because we choose the elections and the democratic process.

“In Malaysia, it is the same. Whatever happens, even if the democracy is not perfect, we call for a fair democracy and to fight via a fair democracy,” he added.

Salehuddin questioned the standards of the war crimes tribunal, saying it only called forth one witness for the conviction of crimes.

“Members of Jeemat have served in the Bangladesh government as ministers. So what is the motive to brand them as traitors and to bring up issues from 1971 and be submitted to a trial that did not abide by international standards, such as using only one witness for the conviction of crimes?

