Stern action on gathering to overthrow government welcomed

Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup

(Bernama) – The tough stand taken by the authorities on those behind the proposed rally on 31 December to overthrow the government has been welcomed by social and political analysts.

The analysts fear that the gathering poses a grave threat to the country’s political stability and security, and denies the right of the peace loving majority.

“There is only four days left and most Malaysians want to see stern action by the authorities,” said social analyst Dr Ibrahim Ghafar to Bernama.

He feared that without unrelenting action to stop the organisers in their tracks, things could go out of hand as those opposing the gathering with a menacing theme were ready to turn up to show their displeasure.

“This is what transpired in Egypt, that resulted in the deaths of many innocent people when proponents and opponents of the street protests clashed.

Until today there is no solution to the conflict,” he said.

On Tuesday police nabbed student activist Muhamad Azan Safar, 24, in Kampung Baru here for allegedly having links to the rally to overthrow the government.

Azan, the chairman of Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun) is supposed to lead the rally at Dataran Merdeka on the new year’s eve.

On Thursday, a 25-year unemployed man was arrested in Saratok, Sarawak for inciting the public through a Facebook account to join the rally.

An act of treason?

A lecturer on politics and government with Universiti Putra Malaysia Prof Dr Jayum Jawan pointed out if the purported gathering is to overthrow a legitimately elected government, it is certainly an illegal gathering that has to be stopped.

“The organisers have to be arrested and investigated for attempting to overthrow a legitimately elected government. Now the question here is what is the government that they are referring too? Is it the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the ruling party?

“These are two different things. If this refers to His Majesty, it is an act of betrayal on the nation. If it refers to the government elected legitimately through the democratic process it is legally not right,” he said adding that if they wanted to change the ruling party than they have wait for the next general election.

However, Jayum added that any peaceful demonstration had to be allowed as they reflect a matured democratic process that allowed people to voice their support or dissent on the government’s moves.

An act that destroys the country’s achievement

As for a political and international relations don with Universiti Utara Malaysia Md Shukri Shuib, the ‘Turun’ gathering is not only an attempt to destroy the government institution but also the country’s achievement hitherto.

“Their actions does not only sabotage the political system and the government but also the economy and the social system.

“We are now faced with many challenges at the economic front, therefore those behind the gathering should find ways to help, for example hold a gathering to help entrepreneurs, but unfortunately they don’t think that way,” he said to Bernama.

He stressed that overthrowing a legally elected government is a dangerous game that could lead to anarchy or never ending street protests like what is happening to Malaysia’s neighbour, Thailand.

He also concurred with Dr Ibrahim that political parties and groups had to educate their followers that they have to vent their displeasure through the proper channel and avoid anarchic moves.

“Don’t forget that the government too has a huge number of followers and when both sides cross paths there will definitely be problems,” said Dr Ibrahim.

