Former JCorp CEO returns royal awards to Johor palace

Muhammad Ali Hashim

(The Star) – Former Johor Corpo­ration (JCorp) president and chief executive officer Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim has returned his three state award medals to the Johor Palace.

President of the Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce Muhammad Ali returned the Setia Mahkota Johor, Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Johor (DPMJ) and Darjah Datuk Seri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ) on Friday.

Muhammad Ali was conferred the DPMJ and SPMJ, which carried the title Datuk, by then ruler Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail on April, 8, 1984 and 1996 respectively. His Tan Sri title comes with a federal award.

In a statement issued yesterday, he said his decision to return the awards came after he had written a letter to Johor Royal Council secretary Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli on Dec 18 to offer his explanation on his article “Menuntut Hak, Menebus Masa Silam”, published in Sinar Harian on Dec 2.

Abdul Rahim had said the article’s contents could create a negative perception of the Johor royal institution and the current Johor ruler, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.

Muhammad Ali said he had no ulterior motive or intention to portray a negative image of Sultan Ibrahim as claimed by Abdul Rahim in the article.

“My services and commitments as the president and CEO of JCorp for 28 years is a reflection of my utmost loyalty, sincerity and respect to Johor and the state monarchy,’’ he said.

Abdul Rahim could not be reached for comment at press time.

