Anti-Taib protest a ‘no show’

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BN party PBB has slammed Chegu Bard for bringing into Sarawak peninsular styled theatrics

William Mangor, FMT

KUCHING: A much touted anti-Taib protest organised by peninsular-based Solidarity Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) opposite Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s house failed to take off yesterday.

Despite waiting from 11.30am to 5pm, reporters saw no sign of any demonstrators. What prevailed were armed policemen and  police blocks leading to Taib’s residence in Jalan Demak  and in the surrounding vicinity.

The protests announced by national SAMM coordinator Badrul Hisham better known as CheguBard last week was suppose to kickstart their 2014 ‘Nyah Taib’ campaign aimed at ousting the CM who they claimed lived in “excess”.

In an earlier statement Badrul said the campaign was to make aware to Sarawakians Taib’s “unfair and outrageous” policies which has robbed Sarawkians.

“This is not a street protest but a awareness campaign. We want to tell Sarawakians of Taib and his family’s wealth and his unfair and outrageous policies which have enabled his excesses.

“It’s a follow through from our trips to the interior and Baram in November. Taib has been around for 33 years and has failed to develop Sarawak reflective of his natural wealth and resources,” Badrul said.

Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), which had lodged a police report against SAMM last Friday, hit out at Badrul and his “peninsular-styled theaterics”.

PBB is the main BN party in Sarawak and is helmed by Taib.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting here, PBB Supreme Council member Idris Buang said the attempt by SAMM was “wrong” and “embarrassing” to democracy and thinking Sarawakians.

“Taib was chosen by a democractic process and to protest against him is not the  proper way,

Idris further slammed Badrul as  “no longer relevant” in politics following his loss in the recent general elections.


